Professor Klaus-Börge Boeckmann
Klaus-Börge Boeckmann, nach Studium in Klagenfurt und Wien zunächst in der Erwachsenenbildung tätig, dann Assistent am Lehrstuhl Deutsch als Fremdsprache der Universität Wien. Fünfjähriger Lehr- und Forschungsaufenthalt in Osaka, Japan. Habilitation im Fach „Deutsch als Fremdsprache“, Gastdozentur an der Universität Kassel, Vertretungsprofessur für „Interkulturelle Wirtschaftskommunikation“ an der Universität Jena, Universitätsprofessor für „Deutsch als Zweitsprache“ an der Universität Wien (2007-2009). Seit März 2016 Professor für Mehrsprachigkeit und Deutsch als Zweitsprache an der PH Steiermark. Forschungsschwerpunkte: Plurilingualer Spracherwerb, Sprach- und Kulturbewusstheit, Lehr- und Lernkulturen, innovative Sprachendidaktik, Praxis-/ Aktionsforschung, Lehrer/innen/bildung in mehrsprachigen/ multikulturellen Gesellschaften.
Klaus-Börge Boeckmann, M.A. and Ph.D. in Education and Applied Linguistics(University of Klagenfurt, Austria), postdoctoral teaching qualification (Habilitation) in German as a foreign language, university career at the University of Vienna, Austria, after several years in Vienna adult education centres. Five-year-residence as teacher and researcher in Osaka, Japan; Visiting lecturer at the University of Kassel, Germany; Visiting professor at the University of Jena, Germany; University Professor for German as a Second Language at the University of Vienna (2007-2009). Since March 2016 University College Professor for Multilingualism and German as a Second Language at the University College of Teacher Education Styria. Main research fields: plurilingual language acquisition, cultural and language awareness, teaching and learning cultures, innovative language pedagogy, practice/action research, teacher education in multilingual/ multicultural societies.
Professor Helen H. Shen
Helen H. Shen, Professor, Department of Asian and Slavic Languages and Literatures, The University of Iowa. She currently serves as Academic Coordinator of the Chinese Program and Director of Graduate Studies. Since 2012, she has been serving on the Board of Directors for the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA, and serves as the President for the association in 2016. Her major research area is Chinese L2 literacy development and reading education. She has published dozens of journal articles and is a lead author for the books of Introduction to Standard Chinese Pinyin System (2006), Learning 100 Chinese Radicals(2009), Teaching Chinese as a Second Language: Vocabulary Acquisition and Instruction (2011), and Routledge Intermediate Chinese Reader(2013). She is co-editor of the book, Research Among Learners of Chinese as a Foreign Language (2010). She is the recipient of an International Research grant from the US Department of Education (2005-08) to develop the comprehensive web-based project --The Chinese Reading World including 900 lessons for beginning to advanced readers with built-in assessment system, reading comprehension report, and reading behavior database ( She is the recipient of two STARTALK grants from the US National Security Agency (2010, 2016). In 2015 she was invited by the Mandarin Institute--Loyola Marymount University STARTALK Infrastructure Program to direct the construction of the first online K–5 word frequency database for Chinese L2 learners (
Helen H. Shen (沈禾玲),美国爱荷华大学亚洲暨斯拉夫语言文学系教授。现任该系中文部主任、研究生部主任。2012年起担任美国中文教师学会理事,2016 年担任美国中文教师学会会长。主要研究领域为汉语作为第二语言字词习得与阅读教育。在学术杂志上发表实证研究论文数十篇,作为第一作者,出版《汉语字词教学》、《汉语拼音入门》、《汉字部首教程》、《中级汉语泛读教材》等专著及教材。担任Research Among Learners of Chinese as a Foreign Language 一书副主编。2005-08获美国教育部国际研究基金开发全球最大的中文阅读网站-- 中文阅读世界 该网站包括初、中、高三级900篇阅读文章,内建形成性和总结性阅读评估系统、阅读反馈报告,及阅读行为数据库。2010 与2016分别获得美国国家安全局星谈基金。2015受Mandarin Institute--Loyola Marymount University星谈基础研究项目负责人邀请主持建设小学 K-5汉语词频数据库
Professor Si Fuzhen 司富珍
司富珍博士现为北京语言大学语言科学院教授,博士生导师,语言科学院党委书记,她毕业于北京语言大学获语言学及应用语言学博士学位,后赴美国麻省理工学院语言学和哲学做博士后研究工作,师从著名语言学家诺姆-乔姆斯基教授。司富珍教授具有丰富的语言学研究和教学经验,曾在国际国内多个大学工作,2008-2010年,她曾在中国新疆伊犁师范学院外国语学院任系主任; 2010-2011年在澳门科技大学国际学院工作,任办公室主任,负责国际学院对外汉语课程及外国课程的开发和建设工作;2011年曾经在英国曼彻斯特大学做访问教授;2012年至今,她是维也纳大学汉学系客座教授。司富珍教授的研究兴趣广泛,涉及的研究主题有生成语法研究,汉语语言学及相关文化哲学等研究,乔姆斯基语言学史研究\生物语言学,语言哲学,语言研究方法等。
Prof. Dr. Si Fuzhen, professor of linguistics and Chair of the Faculty of Linguistic Sciences at the Beijing Language and Culture University, graduated from BLCU with the Ph.D. degree of linguistics and worked as a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Linguistics and philosophy at MIT, supervised by Professor Noam Chomsky. She has rich working experiences related to linguistics: from 2012 till now, she has been a visiting professor at the sinology department of Vienna University, offering courses of Chinese Linguistics for the graduate students there. From 2010-2011, she was a guest professor in Macau University of Science and Technology. In the year of 2011, she was a visiting professor at Manchester University. From 2008 to 2010, she was a dean of the School of the Foreign Languages of Yili Normal University, Xinjiang Uygur’s Autonomous Region. Dr. Si has a wide range of research interests and the topics of her publication includes various aspects of generative linguistics, Chinese language and culture, history of the Chomskyan linguistics, bio-linguistics, linguistic philosophy, linguistic methodologies and so on.
Professor Teng Shou-hsin 鄧守信
鄧守信研究領域包括語言學、語法學、語義學、語用學、社會語言學、對外漢語教學語法、華語文測驗與評量。前期研究成果之一是,帶動國內外漢語句法與語義介面研究風潮與詞類分類研究,呈現研究成果的代表論著為《漢語語法論文集, 2010。後期成就之一是建構對外漢語教學語法,建築了理論語法與語言教學之間堅實的平台,使華語教學登上實證科學,高具操作性,呈現研究成果的代表論著為《對外漢語教學語法, 2012》。
近期語法理論以及教學語法研究上,提出漢語基式結構 (base structures) 與信息結構(information structures) 理論,使漢語語法現象獲得充分的描寫與解釋,並將畢生語法理論研究成果具體實踐於《當代中文課程》(A Course in Contemporary Chinese, 2015ff)系列教材。該教材商業版已由聯經出版社出版了,其教學效益也已獲得多所華語教學中心的實驗課程所驗證。
Shou-hsin Teng received his post-graduate diploma in education from Oxford University in 1966 and his PhD in linguistics in 1972 from the University of California, Berkeley. Over the next 30 years, he taught Chinese as a second language as well as Chinese linguistics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA. During this period, he served as the UMass Dept. chairman, director of Five College Asian Studies Center, president of the American Chinese Language Teachers Association, the editor of its Journal of the CLTA as well as its CLTA Newsletter, a Chinese language testing adviser to the ACTFL. Teng also served for a total of 3 years as the field director of the Inter-University Program in Chinese Language Studies in Taipei (also known as the Stanford Center or IUP, now located at Tsinghua University, Beijing).
Teng early-retired from UMass in order to establish, in 1995, the first ever graduate program in teaching Chinese as a second language at the National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei. He served as the program chair for 6 years. It now offers both MA and PhD degrees in L2 Chinese. He later established the Taiwan Association of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language and served as its president for 2 terms. Between 1995 and 2009 when he retired from NTNU, he also served a a visiting professor at various institutions including Tunghai University, Fujen Catholic University, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Beijing University of Chinese People, Beijing Language and Culture University, Mae Fah Luang as well as the Chulalongkorm University in Thailand. He now teaches at the Chungyuan Christian University, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
Teng’s fields of research includes theoretical syntax while teaching in the US up to 1995, and most of the publications during this period are included in Papers on Modern Chinese Syntax (2005, in Engligh, Crane Publishing Co, Taiwan; and 2010, Chinese translation, Beijing Language University Press). After his return to Taiwan, he concentrated on the development of a pedagogical grammar of L2 Chinese, a field little known to the field at that time. Publications in this area were later included in An L2 Chinese Pedagogical Grammar, 2012, Beijing Language University Press.
In the area of Chinese language textbooks, Teng Shou-hsin published the highly-acclaimed Taiwan Today: an intermediate reader in Chinese. He is also the editor in chief of the on-going project on A Course in Contemporary Chinese, sponsored by the Mandarin Training Center, National Taiwan Normal University. 4 of its 6 volumes have now been officially published by the Linking Publishing Co. of Taiwan.
Special Workshop
Lien Yujen 連育仁
Lien Yujen is an assistant professor in Master’s Program in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language at Chinese Culture University. He has 10 years’ experience in integrating ICT with Chinese language learning and teaching and the development of digital materials. Due to his work experiences, educational background and personal interests, Mr. Lien is familiar with a large spectrum of educational tools, websites, services, software and hardware in Chinese language teaching.
As a teacher and a researcher, his primary research interest is emerging technologies, new forms of devices and social media in Chinese language education, especially the instructional design with technology-supported courses and curriculum. Now, he is using mobile devices and emerging technologies to interact with Chinese language teachers and learners worldwide.